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How has the internet affected your gambling?

Discussion in 'Betting Talk' started by swooperman, Dec 22, 2011.

  1. swooperman

    swooperman Resident nob

    Personally, I feel it has helped me concentrate on my gambling, therefore making me better. Obviously the research is now much better. Where I used to only bet a half decent amount in a bookies, always looking for something to add to the bet to make it worthwhile, not wanting to walk back in just to collect £10, that doesnt affect me on the internet. I'll bet an amount & if it wins me £15 then so be it.
    The downside, which is also an upside, is the amount of markets, games, etc. Yes its great but for those that are addicted, & there are certainly a couple on here, it can be disastrous.
    The government have pushed betting a lot I think, in recent years, trying to replace the money lost by smoking I suppose, & I wonder how much they have to answer for.
    My most controversial point would be that although I wouldnt like to see any restrictions, I really think there is a case for raising the minimum age of betting. As far as I am concerned I dont think anyone I've ever met under the age of 21 (including myself) & I could argue more 23 or 25, has the self control, patience or experience to do anything but lose.
    If we all stuck to our specialist subjects we'd be okay, I know I'd be generally in profit at cricket, I've proved it, but the temptation is what ruins you.
  2. Wayne

    Wayne Active Member

    Couldn't disagree with any of that swoops.

    Pre-internet, I don't think the age thing was an issue as going down to the bookies was pretty much an old man thing to do wasn't it. Loads of old fogys stood in a smoke-filled room shouting at a telly. I didn't want to do that at the time (and still don't). So that swerved that lack of self-control young men tend to have.

    There's a lot more young'uns in the bookies nowadays but they're all sat on the machines and that feeds into what's happened since internet gambling took off. Too much choice, too much 'in your face' advertising and too much temptation. Anyone that has a slight chink in there personality can really get hurt by this and not realise until it's too late. I've never had an issue with sports betting but I came a bit close to the bone with online casinos in my mid 20s and could have wrecked my life if I'd carried on - probably why I'm so hard on Yorkie because I can see him going down the same path (though I think he's far past where I was). It was always about the new roulette or blackjack system I'd developed that couldn't fail. As a man with a BSc, you'd have thought I'd have known you can't beat the bank but my young enthusiasm, lack of self-control and belief that I knew better overpowered that and off I went chucking away one bad penny after another.

    Why did I do that? Because I was young and stupid. Do I do it now? No, because I've got more experience and self-control. In fact, I don't touch online casinos at all. I'd not really thought about the minimum gambling age before but I think you've got a really good point.
  3. Punter

    Punter Moderator

    Internet gambling, hmmn, difficult one for me this. To me gambling is an addiction, not the worst addiction but one which has landed me in the shit more than once and it's a good job i've got a forgiving partner.
    It's not just the money i'm talking here either, internet gambling or just the internet even, has made me a lazy bastard. My house and garden is a bit of a shit tip, it's easy to just turn the computer on and the next thing you know it's six hours later and the job never got done.

    After last years Cheltenham (a loss of around two weeks wages) i've been a bit more controlled, i dont think i'll ever lose two weeks wages over 4 days again, but it's always a possibilty with the ease of a click of a button. I certainly wouldn't walk a mile to bookies and do it.

    So has internet gambling affected my gambling, no, i still lose money. But i'll always gamble no matter what and i'm just happy i can do it from home.

    I agree with the age thing Swoop, they should definately up it imo.

    Did i mention i was pissed up and a bit stoned the other night? I got out of my armchair at one point and stood in front of the xmas tree, bright lights, thought it was a fucking fruit machine didnt i :help
  4. swooperman

    swooperman Resident nob

    A 'bit' stoned!!! :unsure
  5. Punter

    Punter Moderator

    Ok, a lot stoned.

    Actually, totally fuckin mongged would of been a better description.
  6. Wayne

    Wayne Active Member

    Never mind how stoned you were, did you win?
  7. Punter

    Punter Moderator

    Three baubles and a chocolate snowman - Reeeeesult!
  8. Wayne

    Wayne Active Member

    Isn't that what Suarez called Evra?
  9. Punter

    Punter Moderator


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